Customs clearance

Leave all the worries tied to customs clearance on us. We will only request the necessary documents and information and will take care of the rest. 🛃

Your can send your inquiry and questions directly to, submit the inquiry form or call below mentioned sales representatives.

As a part of customs clearance we offer

Customs clearance

  • We offer full service in the field of customs clearance, primarily for:
    • Import procedures (free circulation)
    • Export procedures
    • Special regimes (inward and outward processing, temporary admission or eventually Storage in a customs Warehouse)

Issue of documents

  • We are preparing and issuing documents of many types for our Customers on a daily basis, the most frequently issued are:
    • Transport document CMR
    • Transit documents (T1/2/5)
    • Certificate of origin of goods

Neutralization of documents

  • We neutralize documents not only for the case of import From 3rd countries, but as well inside European union so we can Protect your valuable contacts

ATA and TIR carnets

  • We prepare, submit and ensure the issuance of both types od carnets for our customers

Customs debt guarantee

  • We offer a guarantee for customs debt for All types of operations, on top of that we offer record keeping of economic regimes in electronic form

Simplified customs procedure

  • We are aware of the options the simplified procedure offers and we help our customer to take the advantage of it. We will take care of all the communication with the customs bodies, we will take care as well of the formalities and tax topics and in case of interest we can take care of the INTRASTAT evidence for them

Tax (fiscal) representation in foreign countries

  • We will represent you in the tax field in all foreign countries, with having the vast knowledge for those inside of European Union

Great Britain pack

  • For your shipments which are to be exported/imported from/to Great Britain we will process all customs related formalities for export, transit, import procedures from or to GB, including issue of T1 document.
  • We will transport your shipments, represent you in the customs clearance processes on all our branches, and if it will be possible, we will use as well the simplified procedure everywhere in Czechia using extension of our existing permits

Why are our services so good?